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Bout of Books Wrap Up (August 2023)

Well hello 2012! This is a throwback to the very old days of book blogging and to be quite honest, I absolutely love it. I just want to talk about books on the internet, you guys. 

This week I've been taking part in the Bout of Books readathon and sharing reading updates and some of my best book recs with people over on Instagram, but I thought it would be nice to do a little wrap up here, old school style. 

Books finished: 2 (The Picts and the Martyrs by Arthur Ransome and Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins)

Books started: Friendaholic by Elizabeth Day, Storyland by Amy Jeffs, 52 Ways to Walk by Annabel Abbs, Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

Books continued (started before the start of the readathon and not finished by the end): The Greengage Summer by Rumer Godden, The Board Game Family by Ellie Dix, One Year's Time by Angela Milne

Last week was a big, emotional week for me, with closing a business and doing all of the logistics involved in that, and then starting a whole new blog, so I haven't got as much reading done as I would have liked, but I'm really happy that I finished The Picts and the Martyrs, which means I now only have one full book to go to complete the re-read of the Swallows and Amazons series which I started waaaay back in 2014. I also started and finished a very much comfort re-read of Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, which is one of my favourite series of all time. I've also done lots of baking this week as we've got a big fundraising coffee/cake/activity morning going on at the weekend for the Scouts, and it's been pretty much the only week we've had all summer holidays without anyone staying or being away, so we've just been hanging out enjoying our house. 

Bout of Books is such a lovely readathon because it's so low pressure, and it feels to me like getting back to my original home in book blogging, where I just chatted randomly about books and snacks and hung out with other people on the internet who liked books and snacks. No agenda, no trying to sell anything, just books. Hopefully more of that to come. 


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